In our last Project Showcase article Loco Light we introduced one of the works of Russian artist Kir Khachaturov. Now, here is an other beautiful project from Kir and his team STRUTTURA, an interactive installation using the previously introduced egg cups technology: Affectus - and there is a superb making of video too!
Interactive light installation for “Subject the object” exhibition within the Museum Night in Artplay, Moscow. The project is the ability to look inside the object for that would give the audience an understanding of the processes in which the central movement tends to chaos gradually builds into an ordered structure and becomes a stable. Instalation is fully interactive, it reacts on sounds and it is controlled from mobile devices.
Egg cups (cardboard egg boxes) is mounted on the on a wooden cube. Generated some video footage on the ‘base’ in After Effects. All videos are mixed in CoGe and sync with the audio. With projector and MadMapper video projected on egg cups and cube structure. Project control is performed via the TouchOSC app.
Softwares used: Adobe After Effects, CoGe, MadMapper, TouchOSC
We are a digital makers "STRUTTURA" from Moscow. We are making interactive light installations also experimenting with the form of objects and programming.