CK Pagony 2016 - a minimalist stage design created by Luma Beamerz, combination of multiple kind of LED strips and projection.
The project has a great technical documentation on Behance, but here are some highligths:
"The lighting part was made of 6x1m of RGB LED strips on the sides, and 4x2m of Addressable RGB LED strips at the middle. For simplicity, we managed the LEDs on 3 universes: 2x1 universe for the Addressable LED strips and 1 universe for the standard RGB LED strips. We used a 4 universes Showjockey Art-Net interface, a 36 channel DMX PWM decoder for the standard RGB LED strips, 5V and 12V power supplies.
On the software side, we used MadMapper for controlling the projection and the Addressable LED strips, CoGe VJ as the media player, and Vezér for synchronisation and controlling to RGB LED strips at the end. We made a lot of very simple loops with geometric content like triangles and lines, with solid colors. Since we wanted to sync to the music, all loops was made at 120 BPM, then we used Vezér's MIDI Clock Tool to set the BPM of the video content in CoGe.
The main idea was to create blocks of content, like use the Addressable LED strips, then use projection, then light up the RGB LED strips and finally use the projection again. Media switching in CoGe was done by Vezér thru OSC. Basically, we created 64 Compositions in Vezér, that we was able to trigger by a Novation Launchpad MIDI controller."
Web: Luma Beamerz on Facebook.